April is National Poetry Month 2024

Join us in rising to the challenge and writing a poem! April is National Poetry month. This is a great time to try writing a poem, or sharing a poem you have written. Here are a few links to help

April 1st, 2024|

Earth Day 2024 Activities

Fun Activities to Celebrate Earth Day in the Classroom For April This activity is a little complicated. But if your kids are like mine and have ever asked how recycled paper is made, then you might want to consider it.

April 1st, 2024|

Phases of the Moon

Who Is Really Taking Turns? Sun and Moon actually do Take Turns Lighting up the Sky. We always see the same side of the moon because the moon revolves around the earth. And, because the earth revolves around the sun,

March 1st, 2024|

Facts About Sun-Moon

Sun & Moon Asked Earth to help them Explain Who is Really Taking Turns? Q: What two objects have the biggest impact on Earth? A: Sun and Moon. Q: Sun, how far are you really from Earth? A: I am

March 1st, 2024|
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