Who Is Really Taking Turns?
Sun and Moon actually do Take Turns Lighting up the Sky. We always see the same side of the moon because the moon revolves around the earth. And, because the earth revolves around the sun, the moon looks a little bit different each night. This happens because the sun lights up half of the Earth and half of the moon at all times. As the moon orbits around the Earth, sometimes we see parts of the moon that are lit by the sun. Other times, we see the parts of the moon that are shadowed by the Earth. My friend Tim Took these amazing photographs of the phases of the moon this year between March 2020 and July 2020! Go to Mimi’s Story Hour to download the free Resource Guide @MarianneBlackstoneTabner.com. Learn how Sun and Moon Take Turns to light up the sky by doing the activity on the phases of the moon on page 5.

Photo: Tim Shea